PPT DESIGN: Make Your Presentation Memorable

Did you know there are an estimated thirty million PPT presentations created every day? From data-driven information (for strategy teams or business plans) to internal employee messaging or even external presentations for large audiences or Webcasts. Each has their own requirements to observe. Even if you have existing templates, taking the extra time to make the messaging more visually appealing and easier to understand with up-to-date graphics can make all the difference in the world for your presentations. 

By keeping your text concise with graphics that demand attention, your viewers are more apt to read along and stay engaged with what you are saying to support the key points shown. One way to assure this happens is to follow the 5-5-5 graphic design presentation slide rule: five words per line of text, five lines of text per slide, and no more than five slides of heavy text at a time before giving your audience a break with title or divider slides, beautiful imagery, or summary slides. When you absolutely must include a heavy text slide, break it up with bullets, callouts, icons, colors, and various font sizes and thicknesses to create a little breathing room. Never underestimate the power of negative space in a presentation.

Animations can make a presentation much more memorable with impactful introductions to set the tone for the information to follow. A brief video snip-it is a proven way to get your audience’s attention using humor, a benefit-driven promise, or a question that lets them know you get what they are up against. This makes them want to follow you to the end whether you are introducing a new product, service, protocol, sales technique, or any other educational benefits they need. Great graphics will keep them engaged from the introduction through the explanation to the final summary with a call-to-action. 

Do you or your overstretched in-house designers have time to take on yet another project? More importantly, how much does the success of your next presentation depend upon professional design & formatting that adheres to your brand and includes powerful graphics, charts, and icons that make your content more visually appealing and easily understood? BP Designs has been popping out corporate PPT work with fast turnarounds for over a decade. Let us show you how to simplify complex data with an exceptional design that works for you and makes you look good.

Using Format